News & Events
Nourish to Flourish: A Progress Report July 2019
Established in 2017 and led by the National Dairy Council and the Urban School Food Alliance, continues their dedication to scaling up excellence in school meals through multisector collaboration. This Nourish to Flourish Progress Report focuses on six volunteer work groups, each pursuing unique but complementary paths toward enhancing the school meal environment.
What is CNDataSync?
CNDataSync is the analytics engine that collects product data from suppliers and menu and production data from districts and then generates intelligent analytics. Schools use CNDataSync’s school portal for viewing key performance indicators (average daily participation, meals per labor hour, etc.) and other operational metrics that provides insights into how their schools are performing compared to peer schools. Suppliers use CNDataSync’s supplier portal for gaining insight into how their products are performing within schools and may generate their own custom reports using off the shelf analytics tools. This innovative software will generate win-win data analytics for everyone across the school food ecosystem. Learn More
DePaul University/Chicago Public Schools Behavioral Research Study Update
The DePaul University behavioral research study is currently underway with three Chicago public schools participating. Interviews have been conducted by phone with caregivers and focus groups have been conducted with students. The goal is to continue to recruit participants and complete interviews and focus groups with these schools this academic year. Additional schools are being recruited through the summer for participation this fall.
Register Now
The Nourish to Flourish website (hosted by 1WorldSync, a provider of technical infrastructure for GDSN) is the official portal for registration and provides additional information for both Suppliers and Schools. Join the initiative and participate in the benefits of the Data Sharing & Analytics initiative, revolutionizing the $9B+ K-12 Food Service market.
N2F National Campaign Launch
The N2F Data Sharing & Analytics initiative launched an initial campaign using SNA Smart Brief on February 22, 2019. The Smart Brief ad included dozens of examples of brands, non-profits and advocacy groups that support the effort, which now include additional suppliers and the number of items being published over 50, 000.
Learn More About Nourish to Flourish
The National Dairy Council published an N2F Newsletter providing updates on the progress of active N2F work groups and featuring a summary of the Nourish to Flourish Data Sharing & Analytics Initiative. With this initiative, item specific placement on menu plans and recipes will transform the way our schools procure, prepare and measure successful integration of meal components. Sharing sales and nutrition data and analytics will improve outcomes within the federally defined USDA guidelines.