Nourish to Flourish Innovation Pilots
Pilot Sites: Collaborate to Innovate
The Nourish to Flourish initiatives create opportunities for collaboration to test and evaluate the impact of proposed solutions sharing a common GDSN based language for data collection and reporting. Data Standardization Pilots
Innovation pilots offer opportunities for industry to work together and present options for school pilot sites with the desire and infrastructure to undertake these studies. While some costs will be shared by industry and other stakeholders, pilot districts may also be asked for a modest funding commitment. The purpose is to thoughtfully identify the challenges and learn together, side by side with program stakeholders and (when successful) share best practices to the benefit of all.

Innovation Pilots: Fast Service
Technology Supporting Increased Seat Time
Nourish to Flourish has inspired collaborative work by food suppliers and technology companies to improve the customer experience by giving students what they want most: more time with their friends, more choices, and more technology. Enabled by the free flow of data available in GDSN, several suppliers have collaborated to create new food concepts to illustrate how GDSN integrates into mobile apps for both kitchen staff and students and parents.
For example, GDSN data can be used to display just in time data and images on a tablet app for cafeteria managers and cooks during the production and production records process. An additional example being tested includes the use of mobile apps for pre-ordering reimbursable meals with students’ mobile devices, setting up express serving lines inside or outside the cafeteria to expand access, and loyalty programs to encourage healthy eating and increased participation.
Additional Innovation Pilot Initiatives