Technology: Data Sharing & Analytics Initiative
The Big Idea
Stakeholders across the school food supply chain collect terabytes of data every day from electronic systems that can be leveraged to create business insights and inform research and evaluation efforts. However, since none of the electronic systems use a common language or unified data exchange to transmit or share data, operators, suppliers, distributors and others across the school food ecosystem lack the ability to make data driven decisions and evaluate the efficacy of their programs.

Data Exchange
The Data Sharing & Analytics Initiative is designed to address this gap by building the Data Exchange, which is comprised of two primary components:
Data Sharing: A unified industry-wide database of food product specifications that is updated continuously and accessible to stakeholders in real time. This advance will help operators simplify menu planning, administrative reviews and power both desktops and mobile apps.
Analytics: A data warehouse of aggregated standardized operating data from schools that, when combined with product data, will provide insights to operators, suppliers, researchers and others across the supply chain.

Global Data Synchronization Network
The Data Exchange leverages a “common language” known as the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) as the foundation for the unified database of food products and data warehouse. The GDSN has been widely used for decades within other segments of the foodservice industry and in 2018, new data fields were added enabling suppliers to meet the specialized needs of the school food segment. This exchange of standardized data powers the advanced data analytics reporting to help drive improvements throughout the industry.
The Data Exchange is being financed and developed by inTEAM Associates, who have who have long advocated data standardization and a menu plan-centric approach to drive many other critical business functions. inTEAM’s objectives are to:
- Offer no-cost access to the unified database for school operators
- Enable access to the unified database using a common API for all software providers to integrate into their menu planning and production records applications following conclusion of the pilots by Q1 2021
- Allow any school using Data Exchange driven menu planning to receive, at no cost, advanced operational reports showing their key performance metrics compared to peer schools
- Provide K-12 suppliers with free access to publish their product data and to basic reporting features available from the Data Exchange with advanced options following conclusion of the pilots
- Expand the Technology Stakeholder Advisory Group so additional voices can be heard during the standards setting process
Technology Stakeholder Advisory Group (TSAG)
This initiative has been underway since March 2017, taking multiple steps to create consensus and cooperation across the school food ecosystem to ensure a Data Exchange rich with analytics benefiting the entire K-12 segment.
For this reason, we have established the Technology Stakeholder Advisory Group (TSAG) whose purpose is to guide the development and testing of this new solution. The TSAG is comprised of various stakeholders including, program operators, state agencies, software providers, suppliers and distributors, ag groups, GPOs, and national policy groups. Each member is providing valuable input and feedback by identifying and refining their informational needs while also agreeing to support the “quiet” development period while the Data Exchange is being piloted during 2020 to avoid duplicative splintering efforts.
Much as already been accomplished as we enter the final year of this four-year project (Key Events & Milestones). The current focus is on two concurrent efforts:
School Pilots: Local dairy councils, state agencies, and school districts are currently participating in the School Pilot to test the data collection and reporting protocols using inTEAM prototype menu planning and production records software that integrates with the Data Exchange. The first pilots launched in January 2020. Enrollment will be limited to 1,500 school buildings to build a diverse representative sample of ~1.5% of the national school market. The project aims to be completed by the end of 2020. Learn more about the Data Standardization Pilot.
Data Efficacy and Reporting: Key leaders from across the school food ecosystem have joined the Technology Stakeholder Advisory Group (TSAG). Together, they are working to develop and refine key data standards and reporting protocol that will result in a K-12 “common language. This includes achieving industry-wide alignment on key data fields required for food products in the GDSN to ensure the efficacy of the Data Exchange and identifying critical data points for analytics and reporting. Once finalized, this exchange of standardized data will power the advanced data analytics reporting to help drive improvements throughout the K-12 segment.
The TSAG is managed by a consultant, Elizabeth Vegas. Learn More about the roles and responsibilities of TSAG and reach out to if you are interesting in joining. Current TSAG Members include:

Elizabeth Mitas Vegas, TSAG Chair

Managing Partner & Founder
Elizabeth is Managing Partner & Founder of Commonality. She has over two decades of experience developing and executing strategy and partnerships across the public, private and nonprofit sectors. During her tenure at the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Elizabeth worked with leading companies, associations and nonprofits including Amazon Business, the American Beverage Association, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dole, Campbell’s, McDonald’s, Partnership for Healthier America, PepsiCo, the School Nutrition Association, Sodexo and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to launch social commitments and cross-sector partnerships that yielded impactful, transformative outcomes. Previously, as Vice President and co-owner of a small publishing and wholesale distribution company, Elizabeth focused on business development with international publishing houses and supply chain management. Additionally, Elizabeth serves on the Nutrition Advisory Board of the National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA). Elizabeth earned her BS in Psychology and BA in English from DePaul University. She lives in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband, two kids and a dog. She loves a great family adventure and traveling.

Dean Alessandrini

Director of Strategic Partnerships
Seven years ago, Dean Alessandrini launched a “K-12 task-force” at the Hubert Company to better understand the challenges associated with K-12 foodservice. As the group began to uncover common goals like “improving breakfast participation”, and “encouraging students to select healthy choices”, Dean spearheaded a design-thinking approach to prototyping, creating, and testing solutions to these challenges. Since the “K-12 team” was established at Hubert, solutions like the Hubert Hallway Breakfast cart, the Hubert Share Station, and Breakfast to Classroom System have launched and become proven industry solutions. Dean has an 8-year old daughter who participates in her school’s meal program in the Cincinnati, OH area. He has developed a real passion for the higher-purpose associated with feeding kids, and helping them to create life-long healthy habits.

Carol Chong

National Nutrition Advisor
As a National Nutrition Advisor, Carol provides technical assistance to Healthy Schools and Communities on nutrition, nutrition education, food service management operations and compliance strategies for meeting federal regulations and professional development training for staff in the CN program. Her training topics include but are not limited to nutrition education and integration into curriculum for teachers, marketing and merchandising to prompt students and participants to select the healthiest options offered in school meal programs, customer service and marketing your program to increase revenue and participation and cost controls and safe food handling. Carol previously worked for almost 15 years at Miami-Dade County Public Schools, serving as the Director of Food and Menu Management, overseeing the menu and food procurement, including bids and writing food specifications.

Daniel Ellnor

Assistant Director, Nutrition Service Center
Dan is a dynamic leader, speaker, and innovator with over 20 years of leadership experience. He is an Eagle Scout and community volunteer. He is passionate about reacquainting people to their food. He has served at multiple State and National levels within the School Nutrition Association, most recently as President of the Kentucky School Nutrition Association in 2018. As Manager of the central kitchen in Jefferson County Public Schools, he has taken the lead in bringing more clean, local, sustainable foods to the district. He serves on a number of national boards including Kansas State University Center for Food Safety in Child Nutrition and International Food Manufacturers Assoc. K-12 Advisory Board.

Carol Erb

Director, Education Sales
Now in her 15th year with JTM, Carole is a graduate of Xavier University. She is currently serving on the ACDA Board as the Industry Representative and attends all SNA national events. “I feel enormously blessed to be working with such a phenomenal team of professionals. We’re dedicated to helping Directors throughout the country redefine the serving line!”

Laura Hatch

Senior Director, Healthy School Meals Initiative
For over 10 years, Laura has worked with school nutrition leaders, industry stakeholders, and national non-profit organizations to develop solutions to ensure children have access to the healthiest school meals in every zip code across the country. She thrives on partnership and relationship building with the amazing school nutrition professionals who are making change happen on a daily basis. Laura lives in Arlington, VA with her husband and two young sons, who eat school lunch every day at their local elementary school.

Tonya Keyes-Christianson, MA, RDN, LDN

Director of School Food Programs
Tonya Keyes-Christianson is a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s degree in Food Science and Nutrition. She has a diverse background of work experience, serving over 13 years in Foodservice Operations through operational management in corporate dining and assisted living communities, and leading quality assurance management in healthcare facilities. Her most recent transition was in September of 2019 to the Arizona Department of Education, Health and Nutrition Division, where she currently works as the Director for the School Food Programs that includes the USDA Foods in Schools Program, Procurement Reviews, Contract Management, and the Farm to School Program. Life balance is important to Tonya. She enjoys traveling to remote areas and spending time outdoors with her husband, kids, and dogs. Tonya is an ultra-endurance trail runner and ultra-endurance triathlete. In her downtime, she takes her motorcycle on joy rides and runs a private nutritional consulting practice.

Stacy Lofton

Director of Food and Nutrition Support and Services
In her current role, Stacy works collaboratively with members and suppliers to grow and drive greater savings and efficiencies within Premier’s portfolio of contracts and solutions. Beyond contracting, Stacy partners with members on menu planning, product innovation and utilization, education & training including food allergies, federal guidelines, and more. Prior to joining Premier, Stacy was a Premier member and corporate dietitian for Knowledge Universe, a leading provider of early education in the USA where she managed the food and nutrition program for more than 1500 centers nationally. Stacy is a Registered Dietician and has a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Food Management from Oregon State University and master’s degree in Health Promotion & Education for the University of North Texas. She is a Registered Dietitian and has completed the requirements for School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) through the School Nutrition Association.

Laura Trujillo, RD, SNS

Laura began her career in school foodservice as the Director of Food Distribution with the State of Arizona. Where she managed a ten-million-dollar entitlement budget for over 400 school districts in the State of Arizona for two years. She was the Director of Child Nutrition for the Phoenix Elementary School for six years serving breakfast, lunch and snacks to more than 10,000 students each day. As the Non-Commercial Account Manager for Shamrock Foods, she directed five departments including K12, and she also worked for the National Dairy Council as Director of Nutrition Services for the K12 market in Arizona. In her current position, Laura serves as President of Buena Vista Food Products, Inc. where she oversees all aspects of the company leading a team of 175 employees daily focusing on customer service, superior products and building lasting relationships. Laura received her bachelor’s degree in Biology and Nutrition from the University of Arizona and her Post Baccalaureate at Arizona State University in Nutrition and Food Science. She is a Registered Dietitian and a School Nutrition Specialist (SNS).

Sal Valenza

Food Service Director
Sal has over 25 years of experience in school food service working in self-operated districts in addition to large and small management companies. Sal was instrumental in leading Memorial High School in West New York to achieve Gold level recognition from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program. Sal is the Past President of the New Jersey School Nutrition Association and the recipient of the President’s Award of Excellence as well as both the New Jersey and Northeast Region’s Outstanding Director of the Year award from the State and National School Nutrition Associations. Sal was also recognized as one of 21 outstanding individuals across the nation as a National Champion for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.

Andrew Williams

Director of Marketing, K-12 Channel
Andrew has been with Tyson Foods for 14 years with 9 years on the K-12 team. As the Director of Marketing for Tyson's K-12 Channel, he is excited about helping the K-12 industry feed America’s students great tasting and nutritious food.
Business Model Transparency
The Data Sharing & Analytics Initiative is committed to ensuring project transparency and achieving its goals through a collaborative and transparent process guided by Nourish to Flourish protocols. Communication regarding the initiative is shared regularly through ongoing N2F work group conference calls and, more broadly, to stakeholders at trade shows and conferences, in-person meetings and in various publications. Participation in the pilot and TSAG are open to all interested stakeholders. Make Nourish to Flourish a favorite and check back frequently for updates to the Nourish to Flourish initiatives and get engaged. Contact Us with any questions.