What is CNDataSync?
CNDataSync is the analytics engine that collects product data from suppliers and menu and production data from districts and then generates intelligent analytics.
Schools use CNDataSync’s school portal for viewing key performance indicators (average daily participation, meals per labor hour, etc.) and other operational metrics that provides insights into how their schools are performing compared to peer schools. Suppliers use CNDataSync’s supplier portal for gaining insight into how their products are performing within schools and may generate their own custom reports using off the shelf analytics tools.
This innovative software will generate win-win data analytics for everyone across the school food ecosystem. Here are some of the analytics you can expect to receive:
Market Share
- Category Market Share: Share of total items served across all items in the same category by brand
- Market Breadth/Adoption: Penetration of a specific item across schools
- Menu Density: How frequently an item is served on the menu
Menu Forecasts
- Menu Forecast: Share of total planned items looking into a future time window
- Forecasted Market Breadth/Adoption & Forecasted Menu Density: Similar to Market Share, except forward looking into the future
Product Insights
- Student Ratings: Average rating scores from students for each item
- Complementary/Alternative Items: List of the other items most commonly served alongside the selected item
- A vs. B Comparison: Look at metrics for one item over two different time ranges
- Time Period: Group by day, month, quarter, or year and look over a longer period of time to identify trends
- Menu Information: Filter by grade range and meal session
- Geographic Region: Filter results by different states or geographic regions
- School Demographics: Filter by publicly available information like eligibility, ethnicity, school size, etc.